Friday, July 14, 2006

Cortes Days Fundraiser:

July 15th is Cortes Day, a perfect day to fundraise for the Whaletown Commons Project. Come out and hear about the project. Enjoy an Italian Soda. Purchase raffle tickets for an opportunity to win Dianne Bersea’s exquisite painting “Sword Fern Meadow”.
Buy a membership with the Whaletown Commons Society and participate in bringing a community dream to life.
Adopt an acre of the Whaletown Creek property and help to keep this land in community hands. The vision is to create a community park and public assembly area for the community's future needs and to protect the creek in perpetuity.

The community’s "public assembly" buildings such as the post office, library, Old School House, and community hall are all in provisional locations where rebuilding or the extension of existing agreements might not be assured in the future. Public recreational areas such as baseball and/or a soccer playing field would also be an asset to the community as it continues to grow.

Tax deductible receipts available for all donations over $20.


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